Assembly Bill (AB) 977: Homeless Program Data Reporting

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 977 (AB 977), the State of California requires grantees of specified state funded homelessness programs to enter specific data elements related to individuals and families into their local Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

The additional and improved data made available by these reporting standards will create a more accurate account of the individuals served by the homelessness response system. These improvements will result in a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of state funded homelessness programs and allow for better informed policy decisions.

Cal ICH’s Role in the Provision of Technical Assistance Under AB 977

AB 977 requires Cal ICH to provide technical assistance and guidance to grantees or entities operating one of the specified homelessness programs within AB 977, that does not already collect and enter the required data elements into HMIS. Technical assistance and training are available to ensure that grantees have all the resources needed to be able to comply with AB 977.

Cal ICH has contracted with Abt Global (formerly Abt Associates) to provide technical assistance to all state programs specified in AB 977 and their grantees.

Cal ICH, in consultation with respective administering state agencies or departments, is required to specify the entry format and disclosure frequency of the required data elements. State agencies and departments expressly named in statute, in partnership with Cal ICH and Abt Global, have issued instructions to their grantees to support data entry. Grantees operating programs of the above state homelessness programs may access the HMIS Project Setup Instructions issued by their respective department here:

Grantees of the specified programs identified in AB 977 are encouraged to reach out to technical assistance provider Abt Global ( with any questions related to AB 977 or the technical requirements outlined above.

Technical Assistance Resources for Grantees and HMIS Leads:


HMIS Project Setup Instructions for HMIS Leads (Updated January 2025) - This document provides a comprehensive list of funding codes and grant identifiers for the grantees of identified state programs.

AB 977 Frequently Asked Questions for Grantees (Updated August 2024) - This document provides responses to frequently asked questions and is intended for grantees, subgrantees, HMIS Leads and other entities involved in the process of project setup and data entry into HMIS as identified in AB 977. This document is provided in addition to the project setup instructions referenced above.

Recorded Trainings:

HMIS 101: Demystifying HMIS: This training hosted by Abt Global (formerly Abt Associates) introduces grantees of California state-funded homelessness programs to Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. The training discussed the purpose of HMIS, what programs are required to use HMIS, and an overview of the data elements collected in HMIS.

Trauma-Informed and Equitable Data Collection: This webinar presented by Abt Global introduces grantees of California state-funded homelessness programs to concepts related to trauma and its presentation, defines trauma-informed and equitable approaches, and applies this perspective to inform best practices in data collection for Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS). Download the slides for this webinar.

HMIS Data Quality: Best Practices: This webinar presented by Abt Global provides grantees of California state-funded homelessness programs with an overview of Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data quality, the four components of HMIS data quality, and how to ensure that data entered into HMIS is high quality and reliable.

Resources for Former Cal ICH Grantees:

As of July 1, 2024, all programs formerly administered by Cal ICH are now administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). These programs are:

HMIS Project Setup Instructions for each program can be found in the “Reporting & Compliance” section of each page linked in the list above.

What State Programs are Required to Comply?

AB 977 requires data entry into HMIS from two sets of programs: (1) ten programs specified by name in the statute; and (2) any state-funded homelessness program that commenced on or after July 1, 2021. Below is a list of all programs currently required to comply with AB 977.

Programs Specified in Statute:

  • The Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
    • Homekey
    • The Housing for a Healthy California Program
    • The No Place Like Home Program
    • The Multifamily Housing Program
    • The Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention Act of 2014
  • HCD Programs formerly administered by the California Interagency Council on Homelessness (Cal ICH)
    • The Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Program
  • California Department of Social Services
    • The Bringing Families Home Program
    • The CalWORKS Housing Support Program
    • The Housing and Disability Income Advocacy Program
  • California Community Colleges Chancellors Office
    • The Community Colleges Homeless and Housing Insecure Pilot Program

State-funded Homelessness Programs that Commenced on or after July 1, 2021:

  • HCD Programs formerly administered by Cal ICH
    • Encampment Resolution Funding Program
    • Family Homelessness Challenge Grants
  • California Department of Veterans Affairs
    • Veterans Support to Self-Reliance Pilot Program
  • California Department of Health Care Services
    • Behavioral Health Bridge Housing

In accordance with Cal ICH guidance, the California Department of Social Services, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the California Department of Health Care Services, and Cal ICH are not requiring tribal grantees to comply with AB 977 at this time.

Grantees of state programs listed here can reach out to Cal ICH’s technical assistance provider Abt Global (formerly Abt Associates) at with any questions or technical assistance requests, including to receive program-specific project set-up instructions.

Technical Assistance for New State Funded Homelessness Programs

A state homelessness program is defined as a program that is “funded, in whole or in part, by the state with the express purpose of addressing or preventing homelessness or providing services to people experiencing homelessness.” The following document provides additional information for departments and agencies administering homelessness programs:

AB 977 Overview for New Programs: This document provides information departments and agencies can use to determine which of their program grantees must comply with AB 977.

Cal ICH has conducted initial outreach to all Council member departments and agencies to offer technical assistance to departments and agencies administering new state funded homelessness programs and their grantees. For general questions about AB 977 and/or to initiate a technical assistance plan for your state department or agency, please email