Statewide Action Plan for Preventing and Ending Homelessness

The Action Plan is a three–year roadmap for addressing homelessness in California between 2025 and 2027. It is designed to serve as a tool the Council will use to organize and assess its investments, ensuring that efforts are strategic, measurable, and aligned with our shared vision.

The Plan opens with the Council's Vision an equitable and just California in which homelessness is rare, brief, and never more than a one–time experience. The Guiding Principles and Commitments outline best practices critical to achieving this vision, which Council members are agreeing to through the adoption of this Plan.

The five Action Plan Goals set measurable targets to drive outcomes and assess our progress toward this vision. The goals are as follows:

  1. Help more people leave unsheltered homelessness: Increase the annual percentage of people who move into emergency shelter, transitional housing, or permanent housing after experiencing unsheltered homelessness, from 42% to at least 70%.
  2. Help more people move into housing: Increase the annual percentage of people experiencing homelessness who move into permanent housing from 18% to at least 60%.
  3. Ensure people do not experience homelessness again: Ensure that at least 95% of people who move into permanent housing do not experience homelessness within six months.
  4. Prevent more people from experiencing homelessness: Increase access to publicly funded health and social safety net services for people at risk of homelessness in order to address health and economic vulnerabilities.
  5. Create more housing: Permit more than 1.5 million homes, with no less than 710,000 of those meeting the needs of low– and very low–income households.

The Strategic Investments represent state–funded or administered programs contributing to these goals, and the five Action Areas detail additional work departments and agencies are taking on in order to enhance the state's homelessness response over the next three years. Each Action Area includes a Racial Equity Framework that can help guide the development and implementation of the state's work, ensuring it always centers equity.

The Implementation Plan outlines steps for executing the Action Plan, including annual performance measurement. Finally, the appendices provide additional details on Cal ICH's work, the development of this Plan, and a glossary of acronyms.

By outlining its coordinated strategies and clear performance metrics, the Plan demonstrates the level of alignment and collaboration required to effectively address homelessness and provides insight into the state's efforts to do so. The Council also hopes this plan is utilized by local jurisdictions and external partners to ensure coordination in the work to prevent and end homelessness goes beyond state partners.

Check back on this page soon for more updates on the Action Plan.

Action Plan for Preventing and Ending Homelessness

Implementation Reports
